In this course you will learn exactly how I make my viral IGTV videos and a step by step process to make your own viral IGTV videos!
Course Curriculum
- Setup Your After Effects Work Space (2:39)
- The Easiest Way to do Captions (3:21)
- Bring Your Video Into After Effects (4:14)
- Retime Your Timeline (1:26)
- Using Temi to Make Captions in After Effects (10:27)
- Typing Your Captions by Hand (2:38)
- Formatting Your Text (2:19)
- Bring in the Rev Captions (1:14)
- The Viral Thumbnail (6:50)
- The Hook (3:40)
- Video Guides (2:54)
- The Viral Title (8:16)
- The Progress Bar (6:41)
- Call to Action (6:04)
- Spice It Up with Music (4:39)
- Export That Video! (3:38)
Hey guys! My Name is Cam Meunier,
I am a videographer and content creator. I've been working with an auto dealership to make their video promotions for the last 2 years, during that time I met one of my good friends Kyle, a 6 figure salesman, we decided to launch our page, SalesStrategy to teach people about sales, in the process we have had multiple mentors and have grown our page to over 28,000 followers. I had a personal break through with our page that has helped it to grow significantly in the past 2 months! In this course I want to share with you exactly how I did that! See you in the course!
Viral Design Testimonial
Ben Zogby from HighStrike Trading (@HighStrikeTrading)